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Submission of Application

The completed application form, with all the required documents and materials, should reach the Libraries via our form on or before 31 October 2023.


The application should be submitted by the stated deadline.​ Late applications will not be considered.​


For enquiries, please send an e-mail to ​


Applicants will be informed of the result of their applications by email in early December 2023. 

Submission Policy

  1. Each entry must be an original musical composition. 

  2. It can be of any musical genre, such as classical music, pop music, Chinese opera, or musicals. 

  3. ChatGPT can be used for reference. 

  4. The duration of the composition can range from 3 minutes to 8 minutes. ​

  5. The composition is to be performed by the entrant. If not, the entrant is highly encouraged to look for musicians to perform the composition. â€‹â€‹

  6. Submission requirement​s

    • An audio and visual recording of a complete music piece (not excerpts) should be saved in a separate file and submitted in formats supported by "Windows Media Player", such as WAV, MP4.​

    • An electronic copy of the score of the music piece, saved in a separate file in Portable Document Format (PDF), is also required.​

    • The recording of music pieces must be genuinely performed by the applicant(s) and it should neither be edited nor added with any effects.​

    • A short note in around 250 words, in English, for the music, including the creative concept, and description of the piece is required.  â€‹

  7. Finalist selection: From all submitted entries, a total of ten finalists will be selected to perform in the Music Festival’s live performance in January 2024 at HKU. 

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